It isn’t what you don’t know that prevents you from living your potential; it’s what you don’t know you don’t know that holds you back

Whether you would like to improve your marriage, advance your career or increase your enjoyment in life, a life coach may be just what you need. A Personal Coach using our program helps people move from “OK” to “exceptional” through a customized system tailored to your personal situation. We do not use a boilerplate process like most of the coaching companies out there. You were not created from a template and we will never coach you from one!

If you want to know if life coaching can help you, answer the questions below to see if you are ready to:

  • Create more balance in your life
  • Improve your personal and business relationships
  • Realize your values and start living by them
  • Overcome self-limiting beliefs and behaviors
  • Achieve a sense of fulfillment at work and in your personal life

Individual Coaching – Coaching is a proactive approach to creating new solutions to you re-occurring problems. The Values Conversation process debunks the “You are broken and need to be fixed” mentality and instills solution based tools to redirect what is not working. Meet with one of our certified life coaches to find out what life coaching can do to regain your spark and recharge your batteries.

Couples Coaching – Leadership and teamwork is not exclusive to the workplace; enhancing the individuals, builds a better team / relationship. We work with each person individually and then jointly to make sure that the unit is working toward the same things.

Family Coaching – Bringing together multiple family members is very effective when family issues are deeply rooted. It can be difficult, but the rewards are life changing to the family.

The Values Conversation increases accountability and improves lasting execution. Our solutions are designed to develop measurable success of individuals, teams and organizations.

Executive & Leadership Premier

It doesn’t have to be lonely at the top. Your issues may seem completely unique, but they are bound to share commonalities with the leaders and executives we have supported over the years. Consider a consultation with us to at least examine how we might help. We will never rise to your level of expertise in your field–we don’t have to. We help you take control of the process of personal growth and embrace the success you have earned.

Coaching for Companies

We are specialists in helping teams find their “mojo” by carefully diagnosing dysfunction, creating a shared vision of success and then coaching individual team members as they grow in their role. Companies experiencing a cycle of change are particularly vulnerable to teamwork issues. Our process helps people navigate change in a way that minimizes stress, feelings of loss, anger or apathy. Properly managed, change can create excitement, advocacy and renewed passion among team members. Let us help you as your company finds it way forward!

Coach for Individuals

The Values Conversation starts with the most important unit of all: the individual. All of us have values and all of us have baggage. A personal coach using The Values Conversation program can help you get back in touch with who you really are and what you stand for. This process can awaken talent, bring to light roadblocks that need addressing, or simply help you regain alignment with your own beliefs. Most importantly, it sets you up for future success and personal growth.