
Hi, my name is Jeff Arthur with The Values Conversation. Here today to talk about part two of Taking The Challenge, that we talked about last week. While last week we talked about a guy by the name Theodore Geisel, that most people know about as Dr. Seuss, who wrote Cat in the Hat, but, what I find fascinating about Cat in the Hat, is that after it became so successful and it rocketed to success, was that he then was challenged again. Dr. Seuss was then challenged with a bet by a gentleman by the name of Bennet Cerf, who then was Dr. Seuss’ publisher. Bennet gave him a list of 50 words. Not 236, like Cat in the Hat, but he gave him 50 words and those words consisted of the words like I, and, am, those kinds of things.

Not a lot of choices. 50 words and he says, “I bet you can’t write a book using only 50 words.” Again, Geisel, sat down and rhyming the words, wrote out a book called Green Eggs and Ham, because those were a part of the 50 words. Now again, it blows my mind. It’s beyond my comprehension to be told, “You know what, I bet you can’t write a book with 50 words. However long you want, but you only have 50 words,” and then accept the challenge, but you know what? What my point is today is that I’m going to suggest everyone of us, including me, but everyone of us watching this video, are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. Write a book with 50 words, are you crazy?

Probably. Except now, it’s one of the greatest books of children’s literature in history of books. I wonder what you’re capable of. If you just take the challenge of life and push yourself beyond where you have been, where I have been before. My name is Jeff Arthur with The Values Conversation. You can find out more about us on Facebook and Have a great day.