
Hi there, I’m Jeff Arthur with with The Values Conversation. I’ve been a personal coach for over 10 years and it is so important for you to understand what I’m about to say to you because I have seen this over and over again with everybody I’ve ever worked with. The pace of our life, coupled with the responsibilities that we have to take care of, coupled with the problems that always crop up in our daily tasks- At work, at home, with our health, whatever it is. All of this pushes us into a position where the one person that we forget to take care of is me.

I want to encourage you today to understand that nothing else gets done for your children, nothing else gets done for your company, nothing else gets done for your family, nothing else gets done for your significant other if you’re not in a good spot. If your health goes down, if you lose control, if you start feeling depressed, if you start struggling with whatever on an emotional, physical, mental or spiritual level, you’re weakening yourself and you’re never going to be on your best. We all understand from computers to systems to teams to companies, everything works a lot more efficiently when everything is healthy. The first person to take care of, the first person to watch out for is us.

Make sure to take care of you. My name is Jeff Arthur with The Values Conversation. You can find us online at our website at