
Hi there my name is Jeff Arthur with the Values Conversation, here today to talk to us about the reminder of what we’re doing today is going to influence what we’re doing tomorrow. This is something we all understand as leaders. But it is so important to remember it, be reminded of it, and actually take it seriously. What we’re doing today is going to influence and effect where we’re at and what we’re doing tomorrow. So the question stands: what are you and I doing today to grow on purpose to get where we want to be for tomorrow? What are you and I doing today in connections with people to learn from them and grow from them and understand what they have ascertained in their journey to apply to what you and I are doing in our journey so it can make us better at what we do?

Who are the peoples in our life that need to be pruned, quote unquote “pruned away?” It’s very difficult but one of the most important things we can understand about our own personal growth is that some of the people around us, maybe even our family are people that are not going to be helpful to where we want to go and what we’re trying to do in our life. Do you want to make them happy, do you want to make them comfortable, or do you want to go on your own journey to make the most of what you’ve been given?

My name is Jeff Arthur with the Values Conversation. Just reminding us, make sure we’re doing today what we need to do for tomorrow. You can find out more about us online at