
Hi there, my name is Jeff Arthur with The Values Conversation. Here today to talk to you about a favorite story of mine from Zig Ziglar, “Getting Caught in the Squat.” Zig tells a story about being raised in lower Alabama. He talks about a family friend who he walked into the kitchen and she was cooking that day and she pulls biscuits out of the oven, they had not risen like you would expect biscuits to rise. It caught his attention and he just asked her, “What was wrong with those biscuits?” He said she started laughing and she said, “Well, Zig, they just got caught in the squat and then they forgot to rise.”

She explained to him, they were gonna rise, they just couldn’t quite get there. He always remembered that when he applied it to our daily life. There are so many times we say I’m gonna do this different. I’m gonna change this. I’ve got new year’s resolutions. I’m gonna lose this. I’m gonna gain this. I’m gonna make this more money and we never quite get there because we get caught in the squat.

We squat to rise, but then daily life keeps draining off our energy to where we never actually change anything. I want to encourage us today, as Zig encouraged his followers and his listeners, don’t get caught in the squat of life. There’s always going to be some things, some reason that’s going to keep us from being able to make those changes. Push through it anyway and rise to the levels you can be. My name is Jeff Arthur with The Values Conversation. You can find out more about us online at