
Hi, I’m Jeff Arthur with The Values Conversation. As a coach … I’ve been working as a personal coach and I’m now working as an executive coach, I’ve been doing it for a decade and more. One of the things that I see that people struggle with every day, across the board, it doesn’t matter if it’s the owner of the company, doesn’t make a difference whether we’re talking about a new mom, or a housewife, or somebody who isn’t married at all, all walks of life, all gene- … It doesn’t matter.

People struggle, we struggle, I struggle, you struggle with self-judgement. The feeling that we should be doing something better, “That I should be more, that I should be in this situation, I should have handled that differently, I shouldn’t have said that, I shouldn’t have done whatever,” and we perpetuate this incredible judgement where we rob ourself of contentment. We rob ourself of enjoying the journey. We forget that, “You know what? It may not have been as bad as what I thought it was.”

One of the most important things I can do is not “should” on myself, and just enjoy the journey and realize, “I’m going to be just fine.” When I remove the self-judgement, things become a whole lot better. When I learn to accept, and not to expect, life has fewer disappointments. I’m Jeff Arthur with The Values Conversation. You can find us on Facebook at